Semi-structured interview, recorded. (45-60 minutes)

The purpose of this interview is for me to talk with you one-on-one, and to ask you some questions related to your work as a teacher and your experience participating in this study group.

Culture of the Group (15 minutes)

Please begin by telling me anything you wish to tell me about your experience in this group. (What stands out? What was most interesting, useful, or problematic?)

What would you say that our work in this study group was about? (What was the content and goal of our shared project over the past few months?)

How did members of the group support, encourage, and “push” each other? (Examples?)

What were some of the most important ideas that we discussed?

What knowledge did we generate about topics of most interest to you?

How would you describe the different ways we talked or interacted? (Which were most useful in generating new knowledge for you? What were challenges or obstacles? What were benefits?)

(Show norms and values artifact/document that we developed.) Please reflect aloud on our norms and values. What stands out? What did each value look like or feel like? Did we enact them? How could they be improved?

Resources (5 minutes)

What knowledge, perspectives, and/or experience did others bring to the group?

What knowledge, perspectives, and/or experience did you bring to the group?

What were the most valuable resources brought to the group and why?

Moments That Stand Out (15 minutes)

What was the (or some of the) most important insight(s) you gained from working with this study group?

What were some of the most meaningful or memorable moments, discussions, conversations, or readings? Moments when:

- You came to see something differently

- You felt some sort of conflict or tension

- You learned something you’ll never forget

- You got a new idea

- You had a realization

- You felt moved

- You felt in some way transformed

- You encountered a turning point in your own inquiry

Please describe these experiences (how you felt, what you thought, what you did).

What were some of the most important or meaningful things you wrote, or told others about?

Generating Knowledge about Music Education (10 minutes)

What has changed as a result of your thinking about your topic?

What has changed as a result of your thinking about others’ topics?

(Possible follow-up questions.) What are some ways that your work with the study group changed your practice? Interactions with colleagues? Students? Parents? The community? Your self-perception?