Semi-structured interview, recorded. (45-60 minutes)

The purpose of this interview is for me to talk with you one-on-one, and to ask you some questions related to your work as a teacher and your interest in participating in this study group.

General Questions about Teaching Context (15 minutes)

Please begin by telling me anything you wish to tell me about your experiences as a student and as a teacher. (What stands out in your lifetime and/or career? What do you like to tell people about your work as a teacher, or your experiences as a student?)

Please tell me a little about your early teaching career, including your teacher education, and perhaps why you chose to become a teacher (and why specifically P/K-12 children and youth).

Please tell me a little about your teaching context today. (Grades, subjects, school, district, state.)

Please tell me about your current professional development and/or participation in teacher communities/PLC (including inside/outside your school/work, professional associations, and work toward other degrees.)

Teacher Beliefs about Teaching Context (15 minutes)

(In addition to what might have already been said) What are some of the issues, concerns, problems, dilemmas, or questions you have or are facing right now in your teaching context?

What are some promising or exciting possibilities that you see right now in your teaching context?

What do terms such as equity, social justice, and culturally-responsive pedagogies mean to you? (How do they impact you when you hear them or engage in discussion about them, especially in your teaching context?) What would you like to learn about these topics?

Teacher Expectations, Hopes, and Initial Questions about the Study Group (15 minutes)

How did you hear about the study group? What did you think about, or how did you feel, when you first heard about it? How do you feel about it now?

What are your hopes or expectations for the study group?

What concerns do you have about the study group?

What other experiences have you had with study groups like this (please share)? What did you gain? What were the challenges? (What did you like/not like?)

Have you ever experienced an “Aha!” moment, or a time when you saw, heard, or learned something that you felt transformed the way you thought about something, or did something (acted)? (Please share, including more than one if they exist.)

What are some things you would like to learn as a music educator?